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Honest Review of the Mighty Mama Movement – How to Give Birth with Practically No Pain

Finding the right birth course can make all the difference in your birth preparation. When I was looking for a birth course as a first time mom, I wish I had someone who could share their experience with The Mighty Mama Movement with me so I could know what to expect. I have seen tons of people asking about whether the “How to Give Birth with Practically No Pain” online course is worth it so I want to share my real experience with moms who want to have a more positive birth or who might be on the fence about buying the course.


This post may contain affiliate links. Read my full disclosure policy here. The opinions in the post are all mine.

How I learned about the Mighty Mama Movement

When I was pregnant as a first time mom, I could not wait to meet my baby! BUT I was honestly terrified of what I would need to do to get her here. The thought of giving birth was absolutely overwhelming.

I studied human development in college and was familiar with the stages of birth, but beyond that, all I knew was that giving birth is extremely painful and can be dangerous. Movies always depict women in labor laying on their backs screaming, so I figured that’s just how it is.

But I really don’t like pain. Like at all.

Although I was way nervous to give birth vaginally, having a c-section was even more frightening. Thinking about either of those literally caused a panic attack. The excitement of having a new baby was overshadowed by my paralyzing fear of what I would need to do.

Knowing I could get an epidural provided some comfort, but I also really don’t like needles. Plus I had heard horror stories of failed epidurals. Geeze.

What if that happened to me?

As I was scrolling through Facebook, I saw an ad that said “Did you know it’s possible to give birth with (Practically) No Pain!” (Isn’t it fun how the advertising algorithm knows you’re pregnant before anyone else? hehe)

You better believe I clicked on it.

I watched a clip of a woman saying she had given birth naturally 8 times. oof! She said her first few births were painful and traumatic, but her last five births were peaceful, powerful, and practically PAIN-FREE.

Um, WHAT?!

She had a link to a free online class so I signed up for it right away. I was totally skeptical, but wanted to know more.

Photo Credit: Artshaped Photography and Lo Photo Lubbok Photography

In the class Rachel Moises shared the technique that had the biggest impact on empowering her to give birth without experiencing pain. She walked through the technique in a hands-on demonstration using an ice cube that allowed me to experience it working for myself.

The free class was informative and opened my mind to the possibility of having a positive birth experience. I had never before heard of someone giving birth without pain, let alone enjoying the process.

Although, I continued to be skeptical, I was intrigued (and a little desperate), so I bought the full online course.

What is in the “How to Give Birth with (Practically) No Pain” course?

The course is a series of videos by Rachel Moises and her certified nurse midwife. They walk through both physical and mental preparation for birth. The course is comprehensive in that there are videos about everything from how to choose a provider to prenatal nutrition to partner support.

They go over a ten step process that makes giving birth with minimal pain possible. The course also comes with written materials including a guidebook to birth and a birth action plan.

The video that had the biggest impact on me was on how to implement the relaxation technique that Rachel used in labor.

She was so relaxed during one of her births that she didn’t even realize her baby was crowning. That’s some serious relaxation voodoo.

There’s a module dedicated to meditation and relaxation practice. I listened to those videos over and over again.

I will say, one thing that bothered me about the course was the low quality of some of the videos themselves. The sound was a bit distorted and the editing was poor. When I was almost done with the entire course, I noticed that they had completely re-done the videos and they are much better quality now. I still got so much out of it regardless, but I’m glad they made those updates.

For me, of the most valuable resources from the Mighty Mama Movement is the Facebook community. On there, women share their positive birth stories and they talk about what they did to prepare for labor.

There are lots and lots of stories ranging from at-home waterbirths to c-sections in a hospital setting. It was so amazing for me to read that are a lot more people having positive experiences than just Rachel Moises.

Reading others’ experiences inspired me and helped transform my mindset about giving birth. I mean… look at this picture! I wanted to feel like THAT after having a baby.

Photo Credit: Noah Avery Photography

Is the “How to Give Birth With (Practically) No Pain” course only about giving birth naturally?

Of course, taking a class about reducing pain during birth is extremely beneficial if you’re choosing to go natural, but the thing that I loved from all of the videos is that they do not tell you to give birth in a specific way or place. They just give information to empower moms to have a positive birth experience however they choose to or need to do it.

Something to consider, however, is that it is taught by someone who gave birth naturally eight times and had negative experiences in a hospital setting then had the rest of her kids at a birth center. The certified nurse midwife delivers at a birth center, so she talks coming from that perspective.

I felt most comfortable delivering in a hospital for my first birth, so I kept that in mind as I went through the videos. I didn’t feel pressure to change that.

Birth can be unpredictable and it’s common for things not to go as planned. Education and preparation play a huge part in being able to be flexible. I’ve seen a lot of women on the Facebook group share that the course helped them have a positive birth even when it didn’t turn out how they expected.

Is the “How to Give Birth with (Practically) No Pain” course worth it?

I was worried about how much a comprehensive online birth course would cost, but it ended up costing almost the same as the in-person classes my hospital offered. Looking back, I am so glad I bought this course instead of doing the hospital classes. It was so nice to do it all online and the content in the course totally changed my birth experience.

When I signed up for the class, I was just looking to learn how to not be absolutely terrified of giving birth. Even though I knew the benefits of natural labor, I had not even considered choosing not to have an epidural because of my inability to handle pain.

Early on in pregnancy, I was diagnosed with an irritable uterus (a condition where you experience painful contractions that don’t lead to labor) and I was even told by my OB/GYN that I would definitely need an epidural because of how sensitive my uterus is.

That just makes it more amazing that what I learned in the course gave me so much confidence in my ability to give birth, that I actually made the choice to prepare to give birth naturally using the tools I had learned. I gave myself permission to ask for pain medicine if I needed it, but I wanted to do all I could to prepare for a natural birth.

I truly felt that the Mighty Mama Movement helped me be as prepared as possible to have an empowered, positive birth. It took several hours of being in active labor for me to even realize that it was the real deal. The mental and physical preparation I had done had helped me ease into labor.

This is me having a breakfast burrito shortly before leaving for the hospital. I had been in active labor all morning. My husband was awake with me in the middle of the night so I let him sleep a little before we left.

Even though my contractions were not completely pain-free, they were totally manageable and not nearly as bad as I expected. The most uncomfortable part was the drive to the hospital.

I realized later that it was because I was in transition!

When I showed up to the hospital, I was fully dilated and ready to push. Pushing was intense, but I was able to remain calm. The nurses and Midwives kept commenting on how impressed they were. Getting an epidural never even crossed my mind.

Right after my baby was born, I had that incredible euphoric moment (like that lady in the picture!). I had previously thought that was impossible!

I definitely recommend the course for any mama who is wanting to love her birth experience, whether it’s your first time or if you’ve had a negative birth experience before and want to be able to change that in the future.

Because of the Mighty Mama Movement, I had an incredible birth experience and look back on it with fondness. The course not only opened my eyes to the possibility of a positive birth, but allowed me to have my own positive birth story as well.

How to Buy “How to Give Birth With Practically No Pain”

I had such a good experience with the course that I reached out to the Mighty Mama Movement to see if I could share this with my readers. You’ll get the $100 off discount by heading over to this link to purchase the course.

If you aren’t sure you want to buy the course, you can still learn so much from the free webinar they offer!

There’s nothing to lose by signing up for the free class to learn the most important tool that helped me and many others have such an incredible birth experience.

If you decide to buy the course after taking the free class through my link you’ll still get the discount, plus you’ll get access to extra bonus content for free (including the entire mighty mama movement breastfeeding course, the newborn essentials course, and more).

Plus everyone who attends this online webinar can enter into their monthly diaper raffle, which is awesome!

Do you have fears about giving birth like I did? Check out my post on how to overcome your fear of birth.

Have you given birth with practically no pain? I’d love to hear your experiences in the comments.

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